Reportase Tabloid BNN “Sadar”

Apakah Narkoba bisa masuk kurikulum? … Saya sarankan tidak, karena kurikulum kita sudah terlalu gemuk. Terima kasih untuk Kang Iwan, Pak Lili dan Kang Budi, juga Pak Kombes Bambang Haryoko dari Sadar

One thought on “Reportase Tabloid BNN “Sadar”

  1. Im from Massachusetts (not really, just moved there a few years ago). I made sure to get my absentee ballot in for Brown. I think if the election is run honestly (that means if the Republicans have enough monitors and lawyers to challenge all the cheaters) Brown will win. The momentum is all his, his opponent is a mindless Democrat stick of wood, and everyone, from everywhere, is sick of the socialist push that has been going on. But I remain worried. Ive seen what organizations like ACORN can do to steal an election at the last minute. Well see them holding the polling stations in Boston open until 10:00 because of heavy turnout (I guess those dead bodies they carry into the polls are pretty heavy), and the numbers will shift towards the idiot. Every school bus in Boston will be put into action, toting a bunch of illiterate deadbeats to the polls who couldnt care about voting (only the cigarettes and sandwiches they are paid with, a la New Orleans).


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